Info & Tools/FAQ/How do I use easyAPP Home?

How do I use easyAPP Home?

In order to use LALUX easyAPP Home, you must first create an account (i.e. you must register).
This process identifies you as a customer of the LALUX Group and will create a link between your person and your identity with the LALUX Group.

The registration or creation of an account is done in 4 steps:
1. Enter your e-mail address and the unique code (OTP) sent to your e-mail address
2. Enter your LALUX or DKV customer number
3. Confirm your telephone number and enter the unique code (OTP) sent to your telephone number
4. Choose a personalised password (consisting of at least one number, one lower case letter, one upper case letter and one non-alphabetical character (!,$,%, etc.) and confirm it.

NB: This account is the same for logging in to easyAPP Home (the computer-based customer area) and easyAPP (the mobile application). If you already use easyAPP on your smartphone, you can log in with the same login data.