Info & Tools/FAQ/How do I use the LALUX easyAPP?

How do I use the LALUX easyAPP?

In order to use the LALUX easyAPP, you must first create an account, i.e. register after downloading your easyAPP. This process identifies you as a customer of the LALUX Group and will create a link between your person and your identity with the LALUX Group.

You can register or create an account in 4 steps:

  1. Enter a login e-mail address and verify it by entering the OTP number sent to your e-mail address
  2. Enter your LALUX customer number or your DKV Luxembourg customer number or a DKV Luxembourg contract number
  3. Select one of the mobile phone numbers indicated by our systems and validate it by entering the OTP number sent by SMS to your mobile phone number
  4. Define a personal password (comprising at least one number, one lower case letter, one upper case letter and one non-alphabetical character (!,$,%, etc.) and confirm it.