Info & Tools/FAQ/What can I do in my easyAPP Home customer area?

What can I do in my easyAPP Home customer area?

Consult all insurance contracts you have with the LALUX Group including details of the cover taken out as well as the applicable no-claims bonus level and the General and Special Conditions.

Declare car and home claims, make health claims, consult and modify your personal details, download your tax certificates or request various documents such as accompanied driving certificates or civil liability certificates.

In addition, a number of new features are available in easyAPP Home:
adding cover to a policy, changing the payment interval, viewing and paying invoices, adding to an existing claim, viewing and updating all personal, bank and family details, requesting pre-filled statements, and taking out travel insurance digitally.

N.B.: in order to consult a non-life or life contract, you must be a natural person (i.e. not a legal person/company) and a policyholder.
However, it is possible to consult health contracts with DKV Luxembourg for which you are a policyholder and/or insured, provided that the policyholder of the same contract is your employer (group contract).