Info & Tools/FAQ/What if I can’t/am no longer able to log in?

What if I can’t/am no longer able to log in?

You must use the details you provided when you registered/created your account.

Your password is case sensitive. You must therefore use upper and lower case letters, spaces, etc. correctly for the login to work.

  • Please ensure that you have the latest version of the LALUX easyAPP, which you can download from the App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android)
  • Please ensure that the current version of the LALUX easyAPP is compatible with your phone (iOS > version 11; Android > version 7)
  • You can change your password during the login process or at any time within the easyAPP (in the “Settings” section).
  • If you need to change your login e-mail, please contact our easyAPP support team on: (+352) 4761 - 6147 and your contact person will guide you through the next steps.
  • If you encounter error messages or technical problems (maintenance work, function not available), it is often sufficient to wait a few hours and try again later.

However, if you are still unable to log in, please contact easyAPP support on (+352) 4761 - 6147.