Info & Tools/FAQ/What is an accident report?

What is an accident report?

An accident report is a document drawn up by the Comité Européen des Assurances (CEA – the European Insurance Council), which expedites the regulation of a car insurance claim. It enables you, in the event of an incident, to make all of the required declarations in a single document.

The accident report is a definitive official document. Once signed by both drivers involved in the accident it must not be amended. The insurers decide responsibility on the basis of the information given in the report.

Insist that the ‘accident report’ is filled in immediately at the scene of the accident.  Even if you are short of time, do not put off this important and common sense requirement to a later date. The other driver might change his/her mind and it would then be much more difficult to redress the situation and the faults. In any event, an incomplete accident report is better than none at all.