Info & Tools/FAQ/What is easyAPP Home?

What is easyAPP Home?

easyAPP Home is the name of the new personal customer area that LALUX offers all its private customers of one of the entities of the LALUX Group: LALUX Assurances, LALUX Assurances-Vie and DKV Luxembourg.

This space provides you with many practical features while ensuring simple and secure use: declaration and follow-up of car and home claims, requests for reimbursement of medical expenses, downloading of important documents (insurance conditions, tax certificates, attestations, invoices, etc.), assistance services, payment of invoices, contacting your agent, etc.

easyAPP Home is the desktop version of easyAPP, the LALUX Group's mobile application which is available for Android and iOS. easyAPP Home can also be used on smartphones thanks to its responsive design.