Read all our advice on how to complete your accident report

The accident report

No matter how careful we are as drivers, there is always a risk of being involved in an accident behind the wheel.

Whether it is caused by someone else’s dangerous driving, the weather or even a distraction, it is important to be prepared to deal calmly with the problem as best you can. If you are unsure how to fill in the accident report form, you have come to the right place.

Informational video

What is an accident report?

An accident report is a document that allows drivers involved in a road accident to describe in detail how the accident happened and the damage they suffered. The insurance company determines liability on the basis of the report.
The accident report is made up of two sheets, which must be superimposed when filled in so that both drivers have a copy of the description.

How to fill in the accident report

Discover the different sections

General information on the accident

  • 1 Date and time of the accident
  • 2 Place of the accident: Indicate the country and exact location. If the accident occurred at a crossroads, indicate the names of both roads.
  • 3 Injured persons: Even if you only have a small scratch, you must include it in the report
  • 4 Material damage: Give details of any material damage other than to the vehicles involved: damage to parked vehicles, to the public road or even to items inside the vehicle that were damaged in the accident.
  • 5 Witnesses: If there are any, provide their contact details.

Vehicle details

The accident statement has two boxes of different colours, marked “Vehicle A” and “Vehicle B”. Each box corresponds to one vehicle.

  • 6 Insured persons: Remember that the insured person cannot be the driver.
  • 7 Vehicle details
  • 8 Insurer details: You can find them on your insurance certificate (green card)
  • 9 Driver details
  • 10 Point of impact: Indicate with an arrow on which part of the vehicle the initial contact occurred.
  • 11 Visible damage: Any damage to the vehicle as a result of the accident.

Circumstances of the accident

  • 12 Circumstances: This is the column in the centre of the document. This section is essential if insurers are to understand what really happened. Here again, the information is divided between Vehicle A and Vehicle B, with each driver filling in the section relating to their vehicle. At the end, each of the participants must count the number of boxes they ticked earlier.
  • 13  Sketch of the accident: In this blank space, you must draw a sketch of how the accident occurred. Leave a space in case you need to add text for a better explanation.
  • 14 My observations: Both drivers may include any comments they consider relevant. If you disagree with the other driver’s statements, indicate this here.
  • 15 Signatures: The accident report is only valid if it is signed by both parties. Once it has been signed, you cannot add or change anything. Signing the accident report commits you to all the information it contains, including that provided by the other driver. So take the time to read through all the information again. 
    Important : If you do not agree with the descriptions or statements in the accident report, you are not obliged to sign.

The back of the accident report

The back of the accident report must be completed separately by each driver. It is an additional statement giving details of the circumstances of the accident. If the information given on the back contradicts that given on the front, it cannot be used against the other driver.

Helpful infos

How to obtain an accident report form

Since an accident is an unforeseen event, you should always have an accident report in your car.
However, if you need more copies, you can request these directly from your LALUX agent or LALUXdirectly.
When you subscribe to easyPROTECT Auto, you will receive an accident report with your details pre-filled. In just a few clicks, you can request a new pre-filled report via our easyAPP mobile application or the easyAPP Home customer area, which will be sent to you by post.

The completed report. What happens now?

Once completed, simply give the other driver a copy of the joint accident report form. You can then send the document either directly to the Claims Department or to your LALUX agent, or report the claim via your easyAPP. The insurers involved will then work together to determine who is liable on the basis of the information on the accident report.

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